Wednesday, August 27, 2014

What I've Learned With Two Kids under 2

As some of you know, I have a crazy hyper-active cute 16 month old and an (obviously) adorable seven week old.  Things are definitely hectic on a daily basis, and it's a total learning curve to have two so young and so close in age.  I'm still learning, but here's a list of things I've figured out so far.

  • If both kids are crying because they need something, one of them has to wait.  If my baby is hungry, she comes first, regardless of what the oldest needs (unless he's in some kind of danger...stuck up on a table he crawled up on, etc).  Otherwise, I try to get the oldest set first. 
  • Try to anticipate who needs what and when, so the above can be avoided.
  • Organization has been my best friend--keep a calendar/meal plan/to-do list on the wall so it's always visible.  I don't have enough head space at this point to remember it all.
  • If the kids sleep at different times (like of them is always awake), organize your daily to-dos to accommodate that.  If my oldest is up and the baby is sleeping, I'll set him up in his high chair with a snack so I can quick do the dishes, vacuum, pick-up, etc.  If my oldest is sleeping but the baby is up, I'll do things that I can get done while holding or nursing her, like homework, paying bills, or making phone calls.
  • Nursing has been absolutely amazing, so if you are able to do so, do it!  You then (usually) have a free hand, and it's come in handy...mainly for getting the oldest off of things I don't want him climbing on.
  • Don't let the mom guilt get to you.  This is one I'm still working on, but really we only have two hands and we can't do absolutely everything at the same time and at the exact time one of the kids wants or needs it.
  • If I have to grocery shop by myself with the kids, oldest goes in the cart and I wear the youngest.
  • Try to get in special time for each kiddo.  For me it's bath time and bedtime for the oldest, and cuddling and floor time w/ the baby when the oldest is sleeping.
  • There will ABSOLUTELY be good days and bad days.
  • Toddler tantrums happen, and sometimes my toddler will try to take his frustrations with me out on his baby sister.  Eyes on the toddler at all times.
  • Having two under two is much more doable than you think.  Convince yourself that it will be the hardest thing ever, damn near impossible, and you will think it's a breeze once the time comes.  Totally worked for me.
  • Accept that your house will look completely destroyed.  I'm a total freak about clutter, and this one kills me.  Agonizing over it doesn't stop it, so just accept it.  Another one I'm still working on.
  • Your to-dos will never be done
  • You'll be so busy that you won't even realized you're sleep deprived.
  • Ask for help when you need it--it's sanity-saving.
  • Anytime you hear anyone say they have "too much free time," you'll want to punch them.  Seriously, someone said this in class tonight and I wanted to walk over and hit them with a textbook.
  • DON'T FORGET TO EAT.  Seriously, you will forget to.  Don't.
  • You will love coffee more than your husband.
  • The time when both kids are sleeping will feel like the best two-and-a-half minutes of your life.

Most importantly, enjoy the good days and the sweet times when your kids interact with each other.  Totally worth it.

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