Sunday, August 24, 2014

Our Weekend

First and foremost, I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!  For those of you who are (still) reading my blog, a HUGE thank you goes out to you all!  One week in on this blogging adventure and I am hooked.  I would so very much appreciate it if you would follow me (officially) if you like what I've got goin' on over here at  Living Powell.

Before getting into the details of our weekend, I need to give a shoutout.  Last week I posted about my favorite back-to-school essentials.  You can read it here.  Turns out the shopping-sales-Gods came through and delivered me a Kate Spade miracle in the form of my thoughtful and incredibly sweet sister-in-law, Michelle.  She read the post (that would have been enough for me!), saw the planner I was obsessing over, and sent me a Kate Spade gift card!  The planner is on its way as we speak :)  Michelle--THANK YOU!!

This weekend my best friend, Rachel, tied the knot, and I was lucky enough to be a bridesmaid! First of all, could the bride be any more gorgeous??  She was absolutely stunning, and her dress could not have been more perfect.  Their ceremony and reception was at the White Bear Yacht Club.  The building is 125 years old and sits on White Bear Lake.  They had recently given the interior a face lift, and the updates are fantastic--think a modern, nautical feel.  Even more fantastic is the decor they had for the wedding.  It was simply done, with white hydrangea centerpieces at each table, tulle ribbon on the head table chairs, and green accent lighting on either side of the main room. Amazing.

The wedding was a total blast.  The photo booth was awesome, and my favorite part was the cut-out of Marley, Rachel's dog, that people could take pictures with.  Such a fun and unique idea.  They used the photos as a guest book, and by the end of the night the photos got downright ridiculous.

It was fun being able to go out without the littles for the night, and seeing/catching up with friends.  My friend, Katie (pictured right), has some seriously badass dance moves.

Today we hung out at home, and I took the day to clean house, keep packing (we move in a week), and get everything ready to go for school tomorrow.  I spent as much time as I could with the kids, since I was gone all day Saturday and will be gone all day tomorrow.  Mom guilt was at an all-time high, and Bryce got waaaaay too many pieces of licorice because of it.

Overall, I'd say it was a top-notch weekend, and not one that will be beat anytime soon.  Hope everyone had as good a time as I did this weekend.

Happy Sunday!

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