Thursday, September 25, 2014

Our {boring) Week

Happy Friday, friends!

This post is going to be short and sweet.  The week went by in a total haze of being sick and general ickiness.  The kids are all better now, however this cold is sticking with me, and has made me the most unproductive person ever.  Hopefully the weekend will be just what my body needs to kick this damn cold finally!

I knew Bryce was feeling better when he was up to his crazy antics again.  I ran to the bathroom quick, and when I came out I found him sitting inside (yes, inside) our mini fridge, eating my carrots and hummus.  He would dip a carrot, lick the hummus off, then leave the whole carrot in the hummus container...repeat.

At least he's cute, right??

Emma was officially the only one to not get sick in the house (knock on wood).  I've never had a sick newborn, but I'm assuming it's probably the worst thing ever...

I would also like to share with you all that I am currently in the process of doing a total blog-overhaul.  I just sort of threw this one together, but now that I know how much I enjoy blogging, I feel that it's time I get serious about my blog design as well.  It would be so easy to just buy a template and be done with it, but seeing as I'm a graphic design student with an interest in web design, I decided my best bet would be to do it myself.

You will all be the first to know when it's all set to jet and ready to reveal!

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend...if you're in the northern midwest, make the absolute MOST out of the 80 degree days we are supposed to have!

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