Friday, September 19, 2014

Madewell Raves & {random} Rants of the Week

Hello everyone!  I know, I know...I haven't posted since Monday.  The week totally got away from me.  School has been ridiculously hectic.  I should note, that because homework is such a time-suck, I'm going to try to aim to post at least twice a week.  I really wish it could be more than twice a week, but I just can't seem to find enough free time right now for that to happen.  Someday.

First I'm going to start off with this amazing jacket that I got from Madewell.  As you guys know, I was in the market for a new fall jacket.  This one is amazing.  It's light weight without being too thin, and it's not so bulky that you couldn't wear a hoodie with it...two prime fall jacket musts, in my book.  I also love that you can cinch the waist if you'd like, or wear it straight-waisted.  The details and color are awesome too.

I also got an adjustable diamond-shaped knuckle ring from Madewell.  Love that it's adjustable and I can wear it on any finger I like.  Though I love the ring, this also brings me to my first rant for the week:  packaging and shipping costs.

ring sold out, similar {here}

See that itty-bitty, tiny ass ring, sitting on that big ass box?  Wish I could say that was the box my jacket came in but no.  That is, indeed, the box the ring came in.  Thanks for charging me an extra $7 or so for shipping that.  I, and I'm sure the environment, really appreciate it.

Now I should say that, as a pessimist by nature, I aim to keep this blog on the optimistic/positive side.  Why?  Because no one wants to read Debbie Downer's blog, and it helps me to be more aware of seeing the positive side of things.  But, sometimes that takes work, and today I'm not in the mood to do that work.

Next rant:

Has technology completely ruined this year's crop of freshly graduated high school students?  I am currently in community college, which not only has freshly graduated high schoolers, but actual high schoolers attending.  This particular story has to do with one of the graduated kids.  We had a big calligraphy project due in Typography on Monday morning, and one student didn't have his.   The teacher asked him what happened, and why he didn't notify him that he wouldn't have his project done in time.  The student's response?

"I did notify you.  I texted your office number."

You TEXTED his office number...a LANDLINE...and thought "hey, totally legit.  He'll get the message."

Our teacher had to explain to him that a landline does not receive text messages.  I was completely dumbfounded.  So my question to everyone is:  is technology really that entrenched in these high schoolers and new college freshmen that they just assume any phone number is a cell phone and receives text messages?

My poor, poor generation.  My husband has been complaining about this for a while now, and I thought he was just prematurely becoming an ornery old man (he's a bit older than me...we'll just say that we don't share the same generation).  He's been convinced that technology has made us younger people lazy.  I think he might be right, and that makes me said.  Again--my poor, poor generation.

Moving on.

This weekend is supposed to be absolutely beautiful here in the northern midwest, so we are hoping that we can do some grilling and get out of the house for a little adventure.  There is an apple orchard within walking distance, so I'm hoping we will get out for a little family walk and grab some apples and {homemade} pie.  

These two cuties hope you have a great weekend!!

Go Pack go.

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