Thursday, September 4, 2014

Our Weekend

Heyyy there everyone...if there is anyone still reading!  Getting last weekend's "Our Weekend" post out on a Thursday at 10 p.m. is not exactly my idea of prompt, but ya know.  Moving is a bitch and takes up 1,000% of your time.  Avoid at all costs.

Over the weekend we obviously packed.  Clearly we didn't do enough of it, because come Tuesday (aka MOVING DAY) I felt like I still had a ton of last minute stuff to do.  Regardless, it got done.  Bryce was having a hell of a time with all those boxes.

Monday was when I realized I was actually severely sleep deprived.  I was in the parking lot of CVS, trying to get into my car.  No matter how many times I pushed the "unlock" button on my key fab, the car would not unlock.  I tried jamming my key into the lock to unlock the car manually (cars still do that?) and still, could not get it unlocked.  I was about to start crying out of frustration and just smash the driver side window and call it a day, when a nice lady tapped me on my shoulder.

"Um...why are you trying to get into my car?"

I glanced in the driver side window and realized that no, this is most definitely not my car.  I apologized to the poor woman and blamed it on kids and sleep deprivation, and embarrassingly went looking for my car, which was about four cars away.  

So that happened.  

Actual moving day was stressful, as it usually is, but the only two things that were compromised were my cell phone and my sanity.  New phone coming tomorrow and I can't wait.  So sad that I am so reliant on it, but it is what it is.

I'm told I'll have my sanity back when I die, so I've got that going for me.  I'll miss it until then though.

In Emma news, she is now officially using the Bumbo seat!  I seriously cannot believe that she is old enough and strong enough to do this.  Bryce was super cute when we first put her in there too...pretending to help hold her up so she wouldn't fall.  Seriously melted my heart.

 I was also able to snap a couple pictures of Bryce's last night in his room. 

On deck for the weekend is more unpacking, and hopefully getting the kids out of the house for some kind of fun activity.  Although, with our new yard being so much bigger than the old one, Bryce has an amazing time running around outside.  My sister made the observation that he runs like an angry goose, and she couldn't be more spot on, so funny!

I hope everyone's week was fantastic and much less chaotic than mine!  What fun plans does everyone have cookin' for the weekend?

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