Friday, September 12, 2014

Our Week

Happy Friday, guys!  Man has this week has flown by...I am exhausted.  I knew school was going to be difficult and time-consuming, but I didn't know that it would be this bad.  I'm regularly up until 1:30 a.m. or 2:00 a.m., and back up at 3 and 5 to feed Miss Emerson.  Watching the kids, homework, going to class, housework...there just isn't enough time in a day.  I'm sure all you working mama's out there can relate.

This week was Bryce's first week of ECFE.  I was so nervous for this, because my toddler is crazy.  When I had him in ECFE the first time around, he was the only kid who wouldn't sit with me during circle time, and was constantly on the move, escaping the classroom, eating the teacher's paperwork, etc.  The other moms in that class constantly commented on his activity level.  Was he always this active?  Wow, he's so active! Which led me to believe that there IS a slower version to toddlerhood, but just not with my toddler. 

I went into that classroom on Tuesday expecting to be embarrassed and flustered, trying to get Bryce to do what everyone else was doing.  Instead, I walked into a room full of crazy toddlers and frazzled looking parents.  I could not have been happier.

No one sat still during circle time.
No one stayed on the activity that was scheduled.
Meltdowns over who-knows-what abound.

It was amazing.  I finally didn't feel like I was the only mother in the world with a crazy little person. Even better--one of the other kids still only had two words!  Bryce, at almost 17 months, has no words.  And by no, I mean zero.  He grunts.  Growls.  Points.  No talking.

The first thing Bryce did when we walked in was grab three toys and hand them off to three different kids, like a politician handing out campaign buttons.  Adorable.  He also picked up and hulk-slammed a little girl to the floor over a stolen baby stroller (she survived), but ya know...gotta balance a good deed with a bad one, I guess.  Overall, we both had a great time and can't wait for next class.

In Emma news:

She is already two months old!!  Where the hell did the time go?!  She has her well check next week, so I will end up posting more about her big 8 week b-day with a  post after that.  I'll warn you all ahead of time...those of you who could care less can skip it, but I need to document these things since I suck at keeping up with the baby book.  And, it's my blog so I'll do whatever the hell I want.


I hope everyone had a fantastic week!  Anyone have exciting plans over the weekend?

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